The UCO publishes a review of the nitrogen metabolism adaptations that allowed the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth, marine cyanobacteria, to survive in environments very poor in nutrients

The results indicate that the level of virus exposure is higher among captive lynxes than those in the wild

The European LIFE ScrubsNet project, in which the UCO is participating, is working on the conservation of vegetation and the mitigation of climate change

The study, carried out by the Silvadapt network, demonstrates that silvicultural practices, such as thinning, help forests adapt to future conditions spawned by climate change

The UCO is participating in the Bonex project, which aims to import solar irrigation systems from countries such as India and Pakistan into the Mediterranean area

The University of Cordoba collaborated with Italian universities on a studyto identify the temporal dynamics shaping genome structure during the division of species in the genus Olea.

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